MetaGauge is a platform that provides a "Mobility to Earn" service, integrating and ensuring ownership of users' driving, mobility, and movement data while enabling them to receive fair compensation. Embracing Web 3.0 principles, MetaGauge allows users to freely generate data and receive tokens as fair compensation, enabling participation in the governance ecosystem.
Through MetaGauge's DApp, users can generate driving and mobility data to earn RP and enjoy NFT Game-Fi.
Additionally, based on the amount of data generated and ecosystem contribution, users can acquire 8 PARTS ITEMS. These acquired PARTS ITEMS have different levels corresponding to 5 levels of rarity. Users can use the RP points rewarded for their mobility to create their own unique Composable NFTs using the acquired PARTS ITEMS.
PARTS NFTs influence RP and MP rewards based on their level and the 4 acquired attributes, contributing to GPS data generation. Since MetaGauge does not sell PARTS NFTs, they can only be obtained through various participations in the MetaGauge ecosystem such as events, location missions, and check-ins.